Online Therapy Services at Toronto Psychology Centre

Online Therapy for Ontario, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Quebec

Welcome to NewGround, our video-based treatment service. We provide therapy to adolescents, adults and seniors as well as organizations seeking to integrate quality mental health care into their workplace.

We are pleased to offer access to treatment for residents across the provinces of Ontario, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Quebec through our online platform. Our associates provide evidence-based therapy that is grounded in empathy.

We use an encrypted video platform that allows you to connect to us through your phone, tablet, or computer. Our platform meets the most rigorous standards of privacy to ensure that your therapy is secure and confidential.

As a group, we are committed to lifelong learning and excellence. Our aim – whether you are in our office or connect with us online – is to form a collaborative partnership and find ways to help you thrive.

Therapy across Ontario, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Quebec

Over the years, we have received inquiries from people outside of the Toronto area wanting specialized treatment not available to them or seeking assistance from a specific therapist at our Centre. After COVID-19 emerged, our decision to move online became a reality as in-person therapy was no longer an option. The experience of providing treatment online gave us first-hand experience to realize its value, as well as the creative ways in which it can utilized for people with limited access to care.

Discovering what matters

The word NewGround signifies change and represents our dedication to helping people shift from a difficult position to a place of growth. Often, we discover that the answer to someone’s emotional distress may not only be a specific answer to a problem but a sorting through of unrealized thoughts and feelings that point to what is meaningful.

To that end, your assessment is tailored and focused on collaborating with you to gain clarity about your therapeutic needs. Our intention is to address the important issues as quickly as possible. We understand that each person has unique aspirations. We will work with you to anchor therapy in what matters most, while also setting a course to where you want to be.

Breaking down barriers

We are dedicated to helping you emerge into the version of yourself that is true to your core. This is something that you truly know beyond any labels that have been placed on you. Beginning is sometimes the most daunting part of therapy. Far too often, we feel stuck and accept old patterns that seem easier to maintain but are not aligned with our goals or values.

In a year from now, would you have wanted to start today? Shaping your life and promoting growth can take a sense of urgency. How we deal with our inner world drives everything.

We’re in this together

We are always honoured to be invited into the lives of people who decide to begin therapy. We seek to forge a strong therapeutic alliance. The idea of being “in it together” is paramount to successful therapy. Being able to share your inner experiences and feeling understood sets the stage for change to occur.

We believe that having a strong sense of your values will guide therapy in the right direction. Lasting and healthy change begins with our values. Knowing what is important to you makes the struggle more meaningful.

How do you know therapy is working?

Good psychotherapy is fundamentally a collaborative process that is propelled by trust. In fact, research indicates that the most important component to successful outcome is having a strong therapeutic alliance. In a practical sense, this involves an emotional bond and an agreement on the following: the nature of the problem; the treatment goals to be achieved; and the ways in which to get there (i.e., the therapeutic tasks). In other words, the path forward should resonate with you and be driven by a caring and trusting relationship.

The benefits of online therapy

Our online therapy offers residents of Ontario, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Quebec high quality treatment. In some circumstances, people may lack appropriate options in their community or have a health condition that prevents them from attending in person. Additionally, online therapy can be valuable when individuals are feeling overwhelmed by their busy schedule and want to access treatment from their home or workplace, with no travel time. If you believe this service can be beneficial to you, we welcome you to reach out and contact us.

Please contact us to find out more about our online therapy services for adolescents and adults.